Brad & Kayla | Engaged


A snowy, winter Engagement Session with a rural hike amongst tall pine trees

Dayton Ohio Wedding Photographer

Brad and Kayla must’ve done a snow dance or prayed fervently for some flakes, because Ohio had a winter storm warning the week of their engagement session. Luckily, we only had to reschedule once and the day we ended up meeting was sunny and without wind. WHEW.

If you know me, you know I’m NOT a fan of cold, snow, winter, etc, HOWEVER, every time I leave a winter session, Brad and Kayla’s included, I always think it’s worth the potential frostbite. I hope these two think the same!

Though it was 9 degrees, we played in the snow (including a snowball fight), danced, and enjoyed the scenery that Brukner Nature Center in Troy had to offer. Brad and Kayla’s session was so much fun, not only because we got along so well, but because I’ve known Kayla and her family for such a long time. I photographed Kayla’s senior photos once upon a time, her other sister’s wedding, AND her youngest sister, Jenna, is on the Meghan Marie Studio team! Come December, I’m looking forward to meeting Brad’s family and celebrating with everyone. Enjoy these peeks from their session!