Nick & Amanda | Engaged


Spring Engagement Session with Water Portraits and Dancing in the Woods

Dayton Ohio Wedding Photographer

Nick and Amanda have been a part of many weddings I’ve photographed, either as a member of the wedding party or as a guest. We have so many mutual connections that when they got engaged, it popped up on my Facebook newsfeed! When they booked me for their big day, I was pumped. These two know how to have a good time and have fun, so it was no surprise they brought that energy to their engagement session.

We meet at Nick’s parents house in Versailles, and we took a walk through the backyard of Nick’s childhood home. With many trails and a pond, the two talked about their love to be outside and we attempted to find remnants of any forts Nick and his siblings had made years ago.

From dancing in the woods to their first dance song, to Amanda attempting to catch Nick in her arms (think Dirty Dancing, but as an embrace more than over the head), these two ended their spring engagement session with a jump in the pond to cool off. Though it was eighty degrees that day, the water was a little chilly, but you can’t tell in their photos. Can more people do out of the box ideas like Nick and Amanda, please!?

Enjoy the peeks below!