Noah & Jordan | Engaged


Disco ball engagement session and sunset walks on the Lock One bridge

Dayton Ohio Wedding Photographer

When Noah and Jordan came to me to photograph their wedding day, I was over the moon. Just a couple months prior to their booking, I photographed the two of them during Noah’s family session with his parents and siblings and I secretly hoped that when they became engaged, they’d give me a call.

Getting to know the two of them was easy. They’ve both seen me at other weddings (Noah being a groomsmen in two of them) and knew they wanted someone organized, focused, yet goofy. Pretty sure those are three words that best describe me. Ha!

Their engagement photos took place at Lock One Park Bridge in downtown New Bremen, Ohio, allowing us to capture some greenery that May offers and play with the local architecture. Because I’ve had a couple conversations with Jordan and Noah, I knew they had some interest in incorporating disco balls into their wedding day, so I brought a 20inch disco ball with me, hoping they’d be into the idea. Jordan’s smile and wide eyes confirmed it when I pulled it out (with struggle… it was huge!).

Enjoy a few of the many photos from their session and stay tuned for their wedding next year!