Parker & Haley | Engaged


Urban, city engagement session at the Greene Shopping Center

Dayton Ohio Wedding Photographer

Parker and Haley and I connected via instagram, but found after talking that we had some friends in common, which isn’t hard since Haley and I both have roots in Shelby county. We also found that all three of us are “acts of service” people when it comes to the five love languages, making is even more easier for us to bond.

When planning their engagement session, the two discussed wanted to shoot in Dayton, being that’s where they met, but didn’t feel that the rural vibes that Ohio offers fit their personalities. After discussing some options and their leap of faith, we got creative at The Greene shopping center in Beavercreek, Ohio, aiming to have the city vibes in a location that was meaningful to them. I’m so grateful for these two being so trusting of the vision I had and I hope you enjoy these peeks from their session!