Ross & Olivia | Engaged


Autumn engagement session with a DIY denim and pearl bridal jacket and adventuring through the pampas grasses

Dayton Ohio Wedding Photographer

Ross and Olivia were my last outdoor session of the year and Mother Nature almost cancelled it. With no rain in the forecast till the hour before, all three of us were completely caught off guard when it started to drizzle. After a minute or so, the rain ceased and we were able to continue with the session, and I’m so glad we did.

This was the first time Ross, Olivia, and I met in person and we had a great time strolling through Stillwater Prairie Reserve. I couldn’t get over how incredible Olivia’s jacket was (she hand painted the lettering and hand stitched the pearls!) and how great of a dancer Ross was. These two were the sweetest way to end the season and I appreciate their trust throughout the process (especially since we almost got in trouble by a park ranger. SH!).

Enjoy their session!