Team Training | Behind the Scenes Portraits


Behind the scenes team training session

Dayton Ohio Photographer

To be sure that all members on our team are working cohesively and the MMS experience is consistent, we get together to discuss the values, techniques, and more behind the business. This training allows us to be the best we can be as a team to serve ones wedding, engagement, student, family, child, or any kind session and handle any situations that may arise in a clear, professional way. This year we went to the Troy Hayner Cultural Center for training and were able to have a real couple model for us and take apply our new findings. Do you like seeing how we do things behind the camera? What else would you like to see or know? Comment below!

Models: Jason & Beth Schlater

Venue: Troy Hayner Cultural Center

Gown: Modern on Market Boutique

Florals: The Trojan Florist

Photography: Meghan Gorman & Alli Mullikin